The Boss: Brendan, can you come in here a minute?
Brendan: Uh...yeah. Sure.
The Boss: (Sighs) Have a seat.
(Brendan sits)
The Boss: You know, Brendan, i've been looking in your file, doing my usual review, and based on what i'm seeing, you're not working. At all. I mean, you've done absolutely nothing for the past three weeks or so. Why is that?
Brendan: ...Oh, um...well. Um... ...Nothing at all?
The Boss: No. Nothing.
Brendan: Um... Well, wait a minute, what about that bit I did about being thirsty?
The Boss: Brendan, a two line blurb about being thirsty in the middle of the night is NOT progress.
Brendan: Oh.. Oh, i see.
The Boss: Now listen, buddy, i'm not trying to "come down on you" or "stifle your creative freedom", but not having any rules doesn't equate to slacking off. We're gonna need some real results in the future, and that means seeing something tangible in this blog. It doesn't need to be brilliant, it just needs to take up space. That's all we're looking for. Okay, champ? That's not so hard, right?
Brendan: Um...sure.
The Boss: Thanks. Okay, that's all I needed to hear. Hey, how was that vacation, by the way?
Brendan: Oh, uh, it was good. Real good. A lot of fun. Actually, you know, we went to...
The Boss: That's great! Well, we'll talk again soon, okay? Thanks.
Actor, Writer, Comic, Podcaster. All the things that scream "Patient Exhibits A Delusional Refusal To Accept Reality." This blog is an outlet for my subconscious. No rules. No topic. No format. Come on in, check out my podcast, and have a look at what's going on between the lines.

Please note: The entries in this blog, being under no official format, and being of a somewhat random nature, will be subject to change or editing without any kind of notice. I like to go back and re-do things a little bit sometimes, but I don't think it'll be necessary to alert the entire world to every little tweak. Point is, just in case you were wondering, there will be editing.
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