Wow. It's been a while since I've typed anything here.
I started this blog to try and jump-start whatever part of my brain is a creative writer, or commentator, or comedian, or storyteller, or monologist, or...whatever. Problem is, as you can see, I often forget to do one very important part: Write in it., i'm back. I'm dusting off the old blog and i'm going to do my best to write at least every other day. Anything at all. Sometimes it might be silly and pointless, sometimes it might be opinionated and preachy, sometimes it might be a journal entry about my day. It might be neat and tidy. It might be messy and grammatically incorrect. Some posts might even be incompl
...Point is, i'm going to write.
Since the last time I posted in this blog, I've started a weekly podcast called MASS MOVIECIDE with a good friend of mine. If you don't know what a podcast is, basically it's a pre-recorded radio show that is then downloaded over the internet. You can find MASS MOVIECIDE on iTunes, Stitcher, and at the website ( We're a small-time operation with a number of regular listeners, but thanks to the magic of the internet we really do HAVE regular listeners. We have listeners in various U.S. states. We have listeners in the U.K., the Middle East, China, and elsewhere. That's impressive to me. The idea that someone else that I've never met is killing time listening to my friends and I discuss movies is an exciting idea (especially the ones who keep coming back). Then, the fact that they take the time to write to us and discuss their opinions is absolutely fantastic. The whole point of the podcast is to spark discussion.
I've always been one to have a childish need for attention, and the podcast is a perfect channel for that. It's the perfect way to get attention for me. Myself. Me. Me. Me.
Oh, yeah, and I guess I love movies too. Whatever.
I'll probably use this blog as a place to discuss my opinions on the movies I watch for the podcast, too. I do a lot of that (movie/tv watching). I've always been really really naturally good at sitting on my ass and watching TV. Same goes for eating and sleeping. I'm a natural. What can I say? It's a gift.
The other real big endeavor since this blog last saw the light of day, is my leap into the world of stand up comedy. It's a medium I've always respected and admired and envied, and I finally got the guts to give it a try. I've been at it for a few months, had a few successful shows, but definitely have a long way to go. It's interesting to try something so painfully exposing, and then not be that great at it, and then still get absolutely addicted to it. I love, I "fucking love" doing stand up. It is fantastic to be in complete artistic control of a performance. Now if I could just get funny...
Anyway, there it is. Consider this a sort of new mission statement. A blog for the sake of blogging. That's it.
Actor, Writer, Comic, Podcaster. All the things that scream "Patient Exhibits A Delusional Refusal To Accept Reality." This blog is an outlet for my subconscious. No rules. No topic. No format. Come on in, check out my podcast, and have a look at what's going on between the lines.

Please note: The entries in this blog, being under no official format, and being of a somewhat random nature, will be subject to change or editing without any kind of notice. I like to go back and re-do things a little bit sometimes, but I don't think it'll be necessary to alert the entire world to every little tweak. Point is, just in case you were wondering, there will be editing.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blogman Returns
Holy shit... I had a blog 2 years ago? Well how about that!
You know what? I think this could be fun...again.
More to come! (Insert suspense here)
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