The Boss: Brendan, can you come in here a minute?
Brendan: Uh...yeah. Sure.
The Boss: (Sighs) Have a seat.
(Brendan sits)
The Boss: You know, Brendan, i've been looking in your blog, doing my usual review, and based on what i'm seeing, you're not working. At all. I mean, you've done absolutely nothing for the past two months or so. Why is that?
Brendan: ...Oh, um...well. Um... ...Nothing at all?
The Boss: No. Nothing.
Brendan: Um... Well, wait a minute, what about the videos I put up?
The Boss: Brendan, you started this blog to jump start your inner writer. How are bad quality videos about paper bags and poor health habits going to assist in that venture?
Brendan: Yeah, i guess not.
The Boss: Listen, champ. We need to get back on track here, mkay? Try writing a little more often. Doesn't matter what it is. Doesn't need to be anything for publication. The whole point of the blog is random, unworked, unrefined, free-writing.
Brendan: Yeah, I guess that's true.
The Boss: Alright, go get 'em. We'll review your work next time.
Brendan: (Getting up to leave) Right. Right. Thanks.
Actor, Writer, Comic, Podcaster. All the things that scream "Patient Exhibits A Delusional Refusal To Accept Reality." This blog is an outlet for my subconscious. No rules. No topic. No format. Come on in, check out my podcast, and have a look at what's going on between the lines.

Please note: The entries in this blog, being under no official format, and being of a somewhat random nature, will be subject to change or editing without any kind of notice. I like to go back and re-do things a little bit sometimes, but I don't think it'll be necessary to alert the entire world to every little tweak. Point is, just in case you were wondering, there will be editing.